Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fighting a war, and fueling a habit

I placed an order over at JensonUSA about 2 weeks ago, and this past Saturday I got a text from my old roommate saying that my package had turned up on his door step.  The only issue is a moved over an hour and half away from there.  Today I decided to make the drive down to pick up my parts. It's really a good day for it, because the weather is cold, wet, and basically nasty right now.

I NEED those parts. I am constantly fighting a war, battling to keep my bike in good running condition.  If I had a budget of $100 a month to work with, I don't think it would be much of an issue.  Well, that's not the case.  I'm currently attempting to fund my mountain bike "habit" off of less than $30 a month.  That's incredibly inexpensive as far as vices go.  I mean seriously, you can't even binge drink once a month for $30, much less 3 or 4 days a week like most people do. Don't even get me started on smoking, and if you move into other, more interesting things... please. There's no way.  But I digress...

Bike parts. I need them LAST WEEK.

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