Thursday, July 8, 2010

FREE SCHWAG: Come on over and get the hook up!

If there is one thing in the world that everyone loves, it's FREE STUFF!! And what's better than free stuff?  That's right: free bike stuff!  Over the past couple of weeks I've picked up a couple of new gear sponsorships, and those sponsors are allowing me to give away a bunch of free schwag to all of you awesome readers!

Here's what's up for grabs:

Wear Endo T-Shirt
Wear Endo is a new t-shirt company that is just getting started, and they're giving me 3 free t-shirts to give away in this little contest.  At a $20 value per shirt, that's pretty sweet!  You'll get your choice of bike-related design and size.  Stay tuned for more info about this company and my thoughts on their products sometime in the next two weeks.

Click over to to check out all of the cool designs that you could win!

Anti Monkey Butt Powder
No one likes a sweaty, nasty bum.  I'm currently in the process of testing this product out to see how it performs, and from the couple of rides I've done in 95 degree heat and high humidity: places with powder stay dry, places without are soaked. 

If a lady wins the one of the schwag bags, feel free to let me know and I'll send a lady's version your way!

Airborne Schwag
I'll also hook you up with some schwag from my awesome sponsor, Airborne Bicycles. Coming your way will be a not-for-sale Airborne water bottle,

And a not-for-sale Airborne T-shirt:

Admittedly, the t-shirt from Wear Endo is of a much higher quality, but this one will still be nice!

What You Have To Do
This is ridiculously simple, really.  All you have to do is drop a comment on my blog starting today and running through Saturday the 17th.
  • Every comment that you leave will give you one chance at winning one of those three packages. 
  • Each package includes all of the gear mentioned above!
  • The more comments you leave, the more chances you have to win!
  • One-word comments don't count.  It has to be a halfways-decent 2-3 sentence comment.  You can say whatever you want, as long as it's halfways on topic.  In today's world, everyone's got an opinion.  Voice yours here on Greg Rides Trails!
Other contest information:
  • I'm giving away 3 identical packs of gear.
  • More comments get you more chances to win a package, but you can't win more than one package.  I.E. 3 people will win.
  • I'll announce the winners after the competition is over, but it would be best if you make sure I have a way of contacting you.  Suggestions: on your first comment, include your email, and just use the same name when you contact every time after that. I'll get ahold of you if you win.  Or, include your username, and I'll PM you.
  • I'll randomly draw the winners at the end of your contest.  Again, you have one chance to win for every comment you leave.
If you don't want to miss a single post over the coming week, be sure to subscribe to Greg Rides Trails by using one of the options on the top of the right side bar.

Your Turn: How much do you love free gear?  What are some free things you've won in the past? 

So go ahead, start commenting, beginning with this post!


Unknown July 8, 2010 at 11:54 AM  

oooooo. Free gear! Its obviously amazing. Actually, last week I was at summerfest in milwaukee goin to see the roots and the offspring. Turns out showing up for the show five hours early wins you free stuff. I got hankerchiefs, cd's, and a used drumstick after the show. It was pretty awesome. Btw, the wear endo t looks awesome, im gonna have to look at their stuff soon. The design is sweet.

[email protected]

Not sure if it puts my name up but this is Brett Klieforth.

"Until mountain biking came along, the bike scene was ruled by a small elite cadre of people who seemed allergic to enthusiasm." ~Jacquie Phelan

E-Man,  July 8, 2010 at 2:27 PM  

Free stuff is pretty awesome. Free mtb stuff is even more awesome. Now a whole set of free mtb stuff - that's pretty sick.

[email protected]

Greg Heil July 8, 2010 at 5:10 PM  

Cheers guys! This should be a fun week!

trailrider247,  July 8, 2010 at 9:23 PM  

free mtb stuff sounds great, but a free bike would have been awesome :)

the name posted is my username

Constantin Gabor July 9, 2010 at 7:50 AM  

I'd like to win just to be able to give the stuff to someone else.

Since I live in Europe I would point you to someone in US to send the stuff to - only if I win of course.

Great initiative Greg! Thanks for this opportunity!

gail lomas July 9, 2010 at 10:00 AM  

Well now...I actually don't win much, but my favorite free winning was airfare for two anywhere in the world that Air Canada flies!!! Um...Australia?!? YES!!! 3 weeks scuba diving the amazing great barrier reef. btw...there is a misspelled word in the fourth bullet, fifth word from the end...should be "here". Do I win? lol
Gail Lomas
[email protected]

Greg Heil July 9, 2010 at 10:07 AM  

@trailrider247, The free bike is awesome :) It's been riding really well... update coming today on how it's running.

@Constantin, Thanks man! I like hooking people up with free stuff too... which is why I'm doing this, of course!

@gail lomas, Dang 3 weeks of scuba diving in Australia... that is an epic win! I can't even imagine what that would have been like... but I bet it was an experience of a lifetime! And thanks for catching that misspelling... sorry I did a shoddy job proofreading. My laptop is messed up, and I was/am blogging from the library. There's a little timer on the screen ticking off the minutes that you have left... I guess I can't take the pressure!

Thanks again guys, and look for more posts over the coming week, and remember the more comments you leave THE MORE CHANCES YOU HAVE TO WIN!

McKenney,  July 9, 2010 at 11:32 AM  

I am in need of the Anti Monkey Butt Powder - got my fingers crossed.

Thanks Greg.

[email protected]

Sal Picataggio July 9, 2010 at 11:56 AM  

Well if I can win free gear and learn more about mountain biking, I'm down!

[email protected]

Singletracks: sal_pic

Greg Heil July 9, 2010 at 12:09 PM  

@McKenney, I hope we can get you hooked up with some!

@Sal, Thanks for joining in! Hopefully the site serves as a good informational and instructional resource.

Christopher July 9, 2010 at 4:31 PM  

Greg, love your blog. I'm in for the contest. Getting ready for a trip to Pennsylvania. Gonna go ride some of the Jim Thorpe trails.


[email protected]

Singletracks: MTBbasher

Steve Miller July 10, 2010 at 1:10 AM  

Hmm. I would not mind some free stuff. I've been riding in the heat lately and I could certainly use some anything to ease the pain on my rear end.
Also, tee-shirts are good.

-Steve M.

eastwood July 10, 2010 at 11:33 AM  

Sweet contest, free mountain bike stuff is always key. The site is looking good, keep up the great work!

singletracks: eastwood

Greg Heil July 12, 2010 at 10:45 AM  

@Christopher, thanks for the kind words man, glad to have you around the blog! Be sure to comment back and let us know how the trip goes!

@Steve, I've been testing out the anti monkey butt powder, and dang, that stuff works!

@eastwood, glad to have you aboard man! Looking forward to your comments over the next week!

Bill Anderson July 22, 2010 at 10:57 AM  

Schwag is always a great thing! My local club brings schwag to each trail day, but it seems like it's getting harder and harder to acquire.

Anyhoo, here's my info:

8valvegrowl on Singletracks

Greg Heil July 22, 2010 at 7:46 PM  

Hey Bill,
Thanks for stopping by and dropping a comment! I always love to have people around the site, and totally enjoy reading your comments!

However, I don't think you read the above post closely... you seemed to have missed this line: "All you have to do is drop a comment on my blog starting today and running through Saturday the 17th. " Sorry to say but this contest is already over. Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't still leave comments!

But, be sure to stay tuned here at the blog... I'm hoping to have another contest in a couple of weeks!

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Greg Heil is the Editor in Chief for He's been writing and publishing online since before blogging existed.

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Mountain biking, plain and simple. Trail reviews, ride reports, and philosophical musings induced by delirium from grinding up way too many vertical feet.

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